May 3, 2017

What are Mirror Neurons and How to Benefit from them in your Content?

Mirror neurons are the brain cells that are activated both when we do a particular action and when we watch somebody do that action. Say you’re watching a man eating his sandwich and you immediately start imagining how it should taste. You even try to figure out if the man […]
July 15, 2017

Digital Marketing Strategy — A Step-by-step Guide (to One that Works)

A digital marketing strategy is defined as a set of practices for marketing products or services using digital channels. A solid digital marketing strategy is the one that aligns different digital channels to efficiently and meaningfully target well-defined customer personas. The ultimate goal is to find the people who are […]
August 19, 2017

How to Get more Traffic from your Social Media Posts (Even if You’re not an Influencer)

If you’ve been a blogger or content marketer for awhile, you know that almost everybody’s first move for content amplification is sharing on social media. This could be a smart move of course because according to Statista, as for August 2017: Facebook has 2047 million users Youtube has 1500 million […]