Social Media Amplification- How to Get more Traffic from Social Media
How to Get more Traffic from your Social Media Posts (Even if You’re not an Influencer)
August 19, 2017
10 Power Hacks to Grow your Email List in No Time
10 Power Hacks to Grow your Email List in No Time
December 20, 2017
Social Media Amplification- How to Get more Traffic from Social Media
How to Get more Traffic from your Social Media Posts (Even if You’re not an Influencer)
August 19, 2017
10 Power Hacks to Grow your Email List in No Time
10 Power Hacks to Grow your Email List in No Time
December 20, 2017

[Infographic] Make the Perfect Logo with these Design Tips

If you’re thinking of starting your business or growing your business more seriously, your logo design is one of the first things you’ll try to deal with. And rightly so. Your logo is the public forefront of your business that could lure people in or drive them away.

But, what are the features of a perfect logo? An infographic by Company Folders, a designing company, clearly explains what make a perfect logo design. From emotional triggers to some design tips such as using the space, color, and adaptability, this infographic covers what it takes to make the perfect logo.

#infographic: design tips for making the perfect logo -- #designing #logo #blogging #marketing Click To Tweet


Logo Design’s ultimate step-by-step guide to logo design is also a great help here.

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